As the competition rising, we have been dedicating to develop a much faster device to compete with computer hackers, in the meantime, we want the new device safe without any worry of being detected. The new device Otg4 runs up to 700 loops (tap/swipe combined) at the maximum speed. Speed can be set at each action motion. This is an external device separated from your phone, which means it is nothing to do with an in-app or script in the phone. So, the only thing you need to do is that you do not over run the device continuously, say no more than 15 minutes a time. Record the block release time in a week and only focus on the periods block released. You will have enough blocks for a day, everyday. You will make your good money very day.
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What happened with blocks recently?

Amazon Flex drivers need to run the Amazon Flex Driver application in order to work on the Amazon Flex platform. In most cities, the Amazon Flex application is only available on the Android operating system. The Amazon Flex app is available on iOS for Prime Now drivers in select cities so many Amazon Flex drivers buy a separate phone to work on. This subreddit is for Amazon Flex Delivery Partners to get help and discuss topics related to the Amazon Flex program. If you're looking for a place to discuss DSP topics, head over to r/amazondspdrivers.
(2019/9) Recently we have talked to several customer friends and found a common issue - hard to get block as one month ago. So, one of our colleague decided to experience for 2, 3 days. He grabbed block by using Otg1.1 on September 15~18 and he also found there were a lot of high competition and kept seeing red banner 'the block has been taken'. Grabbing block was not easy and missed a lot, about 8 out 10. Averagely he still had 20 blocks successfully and he forfeited most and kept 3 to 4 for delivering. The truth is grabbing block is difficult now than ever. The luck is he still has blocks to make his money. If there is no an Amazon Flexer Otg device (no matter Otg1.1, Otg2, Otg3), he won't catch any block. There is allegedly an organized group from Cuba hacking the server and took most of blocks for his paid driver spreading from Florida to everywhere.
Otg1.1, Otg2, and Otg3 are very good for securing block - they catch blocks while driving
For amature drivers, Otg1.1, 2, 3 are still a good companion for you to secure revenue and don't let down. The high competition makes even a good device not good as before. But the truth is you have to have one to secure life. Thank you for your patience, my friends.
Amazon Flex Driver App Download For Android Windows 10
Amazon Flex block strategy
(2019/1) Why do we recommend Pro Flexer Otg2? When you want to increase the catching probability, you don't want to always tap the spot everyone tries to compete. The first line block is highly competitive, on which the competitors put their efforts. So, you always see the sign ' the block has been taken' even you have a very fast grabbing device. The second line or third line block is much easier. The Pro Flexer Otg2 can run at 960 taps per minute, or 600 swipes per minute. The combination of tap and swipe can reach at 400 cycles per minute, and can be set on different spot and different swipe range. Therefore, users can easily formulate a different tap swipe strategy to increase the catching probability for Amazon Flex block. That is why we recommend our customers to take advantage of Pro Flexer Otg2 and set a running cycle of at least targeting to two different line blocks. By doing so, this device can tap the first line block without time lag to swipe to accept, and then if without success on first line block, tap the second line block to swipe to accept. The 'zero time lag' between tap and swipe is the key catching the block successfully, which most of our products are featured. Unlike a tapper and a swiper on the fixed spots, Pro Flexer Otg and Otg2 can be set on any spot on the screen. Pro Flexer Otg2 with 400 tap + swipe cycles per minute has a great speed than Pro Flexer Otg's 200 cycles per minute.
Pro Flexer Otg2 is operated via a remote control when you do the settings. Once setup is done, the settings are saved and you don't need to do it every time you use. Some people may feel difficult using a remote control, so we also released a similar product Otg3, which has a panel on the control unit. It is more intuitive and can be an alternative for Otg2. When you use Otg3 properly, its speed can reach up to 400 loops and fits every Android phone with OTG compatible. Generally, Otg2 is more stable and faster than Otg3.